• A Professional experienced Videographer for your event. • We film with Professional High Definition Camera's • Back up Equipment on site. • We provide Video Lighting for those events that are dimly lit. • Our Videographers and DJs work together to capture the best sound for your video. • Video is all filmed in High Definition to capture the highest in quality and colors. • We use state of the art Editing Software the Adobe Master Collection for excellent looking Blu-ray’s and DVD’s. • Your video will be edited to your specifications with Titles, Transitions, Menus and Music of your choice. • The Video you receive will be an un-copyrighted and rights free version, this allows you to make as many copies as you would like for your family and guests. We do offer copies if you desire at a cost. • We have your video completed and delivered within 4 to 6 weeks.
Video Ceremony
Our Ceremony only package includes our 4 camera ceremony shoot, professional audio, edited and delivered on a Blu-ray and DVD. Price Range $900-$1100 (Based on 1/2 hour to 11/2 hour shoot)
Video Ceremony & Reception
These package include coverage of your entire Ceremony and Reception. A 2 to 4 camera shoot for the Ceremony and 1 to 2 Camera Coverage of the reception. All footage will be edited with music overlays, titles, transitions and delivered on a high definition Blu-ray disc along with a Flash Drive Price Range $2700- $5000(Based on 4 to 6 hours of time/locations and day of the week)
Raw Footage only
The Raw footage package is determined on how long you would require video what you would like filmed and how many locations. Normally it covers all of a Ceremony and Reception and the client would need to provide us with a Hard Drive of atleast 100 Gig or more and we will transfer the raw footage over. Price Range $900-$1300(based on 3-6 hours of DJ and Video and day of the week)
Corporate/Web/Commercial or Professional Video
Website Video's or Commercial Videos in Digital format the Shoot for 1 hour the range is $350 $4000 depending on how extensive the project, locations, time editing, days filmed. Product may be delivered on Blu-ray or DVD in the digital format of your choice H.264 Flash Mpeg-2 to upload to popular sites such as Vimeo or Youtube.
Video Options
Additional Hours add $350 per hour Additional Blu-ray add $15 per copy Flash Drive $15 per copy Separate locations add $150 Love Story add $350 Rehearsal Dinner add $350 Additional Camera Setup $150 Additional Videographer $300